Simple and fast business loans

Our Nucleus Business Loans are unsecured, so you won’t have to put up your home or any other assets as collateral. We combine the expertise and credit facilities of a traditional bank with the speed, flexibility and transparency of alternative lending. Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about our fast business loan.

£10,000 to £350,000
3 months to 6 years repayments
2-Minute application
Funds in as little as 24 hours

What can Nucleus Business Loans be used for?

New premises

That perfect spot in town you always loved? With this loan, it’s all yours!

Management buy-out

Buy-outs can be costly, so remove the stress and get it done with Nucleus Business Loans.


Unlock your true potential and grow with the financial support you need.

Find the right people

Hire new talent to ensure your business flies.

Peace of mind

Rest easy knowing your business has access to the finance it needs.

Unexpected bills

Handle whatever life throws at your business without needing to change course.

What is Nucleus Cash Flow Business Loans?

If your company requires an infusion of a quick cash flow, look no further. Our Nucleus Business Loans are specifically designed to address your needs, whether you aspire to expand your premises, strengthen your workforce, propel your company to new heights, or handle unforeseen expenses.

With Nucleus Business Loans, you gain access to unsecured business funding, which serves as a catalyst for your company’s growth.

When it comes to cash flow loans for your small business, you’ve arrived at the right place. Our loan offerings range from £10,000 to £350,000 and you can repay them conveniently over a period of three months to six years.

One of the key advantages of our Nucleus Business Loans is their unsecured nature. This means you won’t have to pledge your home or any other assets as collateral. We seamlessly combine the expertise and credit facilities of a traditional bank with the speed, flexibility, and transparency of alternative lending. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered, and we’re here to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about Nucleus Business Loans.

Take control of your business’s cash flow today by exploring our range of loan options. Let us help you unlock the potential of your company and pave the way for its continued success.

What are the benefits of Nucleus Business Loans?

Lumpy cash flow

Even out seasonal peaks and troughs in your cashflow cycle.

Long payment terms

Tired of waiting for your customers to pay? Tackle long payment terms with Nucleus Business Loans.

Fulfil expansion plans

Achieve your dreams of hiring new staff, growing your business or taking on bigger projects with Nucleus Business Loans.

How do Nucleus Business Loans work?


The journey begins

Transform your business by completing our simple application form.


Your offer

Our award-winning technology will provide you with an offer in minutes.


Sign your documents

Sign your documents effortlessly from anywhere, any time, using any device.


The funds are yours

Get access to your Nucleus Business Loan on the same day.


You make it happen

Use your funds to start changing your business for the better!

Get Your Nucleus Business Loan

Applying for a Nucleus Business Loan: how it works


  • Minimum 12 months trading history
  • At least one Director based in the UK


  • Access this product via Open Banking and Open Accounting
Apply Now

We help thousands of UK SMEs transform their businesses every year with our unsecured loans

Get approved for free *Applying does not affect your credit score

Quick Business Loans FAQs

Our minimum funding amount for quick business loans starts at £10,000, aiming to provide your business with the flexibility to access the capital it needs to fuel growth or overcome challenges.


The actual loan amount you can apply for depends on several factors, including the type of business loan you choose, your business’s financial health, and your repayment capacity. At Nucleus, we offer various financing solutions, such as unsecured business loans, secured business loans, asset-based lending, and invoice financing, among others. Each loan type comes with its own eligibility criteria and terms, allowing you to select the most suitable option for your enterprise’s unique circumstances.

When applying for a quick business loan with Nucleus, our team of financial experts will work closely with you to understand your needs and recommend the best financing solution for your business. We encourage you to contact us at any time on – 020 7839 1980 – alternatively, you can request a call back at a time convenient to you.

Nucleus’ quick business loans could be in your bank account the same day, ensuring you can address urgent financial needs without delay.


Our streamlined online application process is designed to make applying for a quick business loan as simple and efficient as possible. Once you submit your application, our team will assess your information promptly, and in many cases, we can reach a decision within a matter of minutes.


It should be noted that the actual time it takes for the funds to appear in your account may vary depending on your bank’s processing times. For us, our commitment to rapid funding means that we will make every effort to ensure your loan is disbursed as quickly as possible.

At Nucleus, we understand the needs of your business can change, and having the flexibility to manage your finances effectively is crucial. That’s why we don’t charge early repayment penalties, allowing you to pay back your loan in full whenever you like. We believe that providing business owners with the flexibility to repay their loans early without penalties is essential to fostering a supportive and successful partnership.


This flexibility offers several benefits. By being able to repay your loan early without incurring additional charges, you can potentially save on interest costs and reduce the overall financial burden on your enterprise. Having the option to repay your loan early can help improve your cash flow and financial management, giving you more control over your financial future.

Many advantages come with a well utilised business loan, and can help businesses of all sizes in the pursuit of their goals. Most businesses will experience financial ebbs and flows as they expand, so a loan can provide both security to help during tough times, and opportunity for when you are ready to capitalise on your next opportunity.

Benefits of business loans unique to Nucleus include:

  • They are unsecured with no PG required – as well as often being quicker to arrange than secured loans, Nucleus Business Loans don’t require you to put up your property or assets as collateral.
  • They are quick – Over 95% of deals are decisioned within 1 minute.
  • They can be interest-only for the first 12 months – your business might be able to pay interest only repayments for the first 12 months of the loan.

A concise breakdown of Nucleus business loan advantages can be found in our fact sheet.

At Nucleus, we always strive to provide flexible and accessible financing solutions to businesses in the UK. That being said, to be eligible for a quick business loan, it is necessary for applicants to own a property in England or Wales. This requirement applies even when you are applying for an unsecured business loan, which does not require collateral to secure the loan. Owning property serves as an additional safeguard for us as a lender and demonstrates your financial stability and responsibility.


As a leading alternative business loan lender, we understand that the needs of businesses vary greatly, and so do their financial circumstances. While owning a property is one of our eligibility criteria, it does not automatically guarantee approval for a quick business loan. Other factors, such as your credit score, business plan, and financial history, will also be taken into consideration during the application process.


For business owners who do not own property in England or Wales, there are alternative financing options available in the market.

While we are eager to cater to the financing needs of businesses in various stages of growth and development, for those seeking a quick unsecured business loan, one of our key eligibility requirements is that your business must have been continually trading for at least the past three years. This criterion helps us ensure that your business has a proven track record of stability and sustainability, increasing the likelihood of loan repayment.


The three-year trading requirement serves as an important indicator of your enterprise’s financial performance and its ability to manage and repay a loan successfully. By considering your company’s trading history, we can make informed decisions about offering you an option that best suits your unique circumstances.


It is worth noting that our three-year trading requirement is not the sole determinant of your eligibility for a quick unsecured business loan. Other factors, such as your credit score, business plan, financial history, and property ownership in England or Wales, will also be assessed during the application process.


For businesses that have not been trading for the required three years, there are alternative financing solutions available in the market. While a quick unsecured business loan may not be the right fit, exploring other lending options can help you find the best financing solution for your particular needs.

There are several instances where a company might require a quick business loan to address immediate monetary needs or capitalise on growth opportunities. A fast and easy business loan from Nucleus can provide the necessary funds to help you navigate various situations and ensure your business continues to thrive. Some common scenarios to consider the usefulness of a quick access loan are:


  • Unforeseen expenses: Unexpected costs can arise in any business, such as equipment breakdowns, urgent repairs, or sudden inventory needs. A quick business loan can help you cover these expenses promptly, minimising disruptions to your operations.
  • Cash flow gaps: Seasonal fluctuations or delayed payments from clients can create cash flow challenges. A fast business loan can help you bridge these gaps, ensuring that you can meet payroll, pay suppliers, and cover other essential expenses.
  • Expansion opportunities: Rapid growth often requires additional funding for hiring new staff, purchasing inventory, or expanding into new markets. A quick business loan can provide the necessary capital to seize these opportunities and maintain your momentum.
  • Marketing and advertising: To stay competitive and attract new customers, businesses need to invest in marketing and advertising. A quick business loan can help you fund targeted campaigns, enhance your online presence, or launch new products or services.
  • Technology upgrades: Staying current with technology is crucial for business efficiency and competitiveness. A fast business loan can help you invest in software, hardware, or other technological improvements to streamline your operations and enhance productivity.
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