When you think of HR, you might picture mountains of paperwork, endless policies, and strict procedures. But for Veronika Vlaykova, HR is anything but boring. As our HR Manager at Nucleus, Veronika is redefining what it means to work in this field — blending professionalism with humour and creating an environment where people not only thrive but genuinely enjoy coming to work.
Veronika’s journey into HR wasn’t exactly conventional. “I wish I could give you an inspirational story that says ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of writing policies and dealing with ER cases, but that would be a huge lie,” she laughs. “In fact, when I was little, I thought there was nothing more boring than sitting down for hours writing a policy no one will ever read.”
But fate had other plans. After stepping in to cover for a colleague on sick leave, Veronika discovered that HR was more than just policies — it was about people. “It turns out I really wanted to take on the challenge of writing those policies that people would actually want to read but would also help to shape a culture we can be proud of,” she says. And the rest, as they say, is history.
We sat down with Veronika to find out more about her leadership style, the challenges she’s faced, and what drives her to create a better workplace at Nucleus.
Culture is Key at Nucleus. How Do You Foster Collaboration and Innovation While Driving Strong Results?
“It all starts with the environment people work in. Humans are complicated, so there isn’t a single solution to this — you really have to look and listen to your employees. We have an open-plan office, which naturally enables cross-team collaboration. I’m writing this as I sit in the office on a Monday morning, listening to everyone chat about their weekends, having a laugh, and really strengthening their relationships — so it works!”
“Another key thing for me is flexibility. We live in a world that’s changing all the time, and it’s important to recognise that and keep up with it. I’m not a fan of regressive management. Ultimately, I firmly believe that if you look after your people and create an environment which is both safe and challenging, people will thrive and look after your business. Results are a natural by-product of that.”
Which Achievements in Your HR Career Make You Proud?
“It’s really hard to quantify this. My answer will sound very cliché, but I promise it’s the truth. I am most proud when I see people happy, growing, and smashing their goals. It means whatever I’m doing behind the scenes is working, and that’s the aim of the game.”
“There are times when people confide in me about many aspects of their lives, which is another achievement in my eyes — it means I’ve gained their trust and created a safe environment for them. Of course, I’m also a big fan of hearing people tell me how happy they are with the work I do and the campaigns I launch. We recently celebrated International Women’s Day and got all the ladies some gifts to truly make them feel appreciated (and a little spoilt). Seeing the smiling faces of everyone opening their gifts was heartwarming.”
What’s The Toughest Challenge You’ve Faced at Nucleus and How Did You Overcome It?
“HR is a career that comes with many different challenges. I’m a very people-centric leader, and I believe that helps me to face and overcome whatever swings my way, both efficiently and effectively. My biggest advice here is to remember that whatever the challenge, there is just another human sitting opposite you — going through the expected feelings and emotions of a difficult situation.”
How Do You Balance Work and Personal Life While Excelling in Your Career?
“This was a huge learning process for me with many bumps along the road. I was definitely guilty of giving myself burnout consistently while trying to teach others how not to do that. One day, I just took my own advice.”
“A key word here is boundaries. I have very strict boundaries with my working hours, and I’ve learned that there’s rarely a doomsday emergency that requires my immediate attention at 9 pm on a Sunday evening. I never check my emails on my commute — it will all be there waiting when I get to the office.”
“Another thing I’ve mastered is very effective time management. HR is one of those roles that’s very reactive, and that can’t be helped. So, I build buffers into all my days to make sure I allow for those things.”
As a Woman in a Senior HR Leadership Position, What Advice Would You Give to Aspiring Young Professionals?
“Remember to always remain flexible. Keep up with world events and get ahead of the curve by learning how to spot trends early on. Don’t be afraid to speak up, share your ideas, challenge whatever needs to be challenged — and take up space!”
“HR seems to be quite a female-dominated field and, from my observations, has had a bad name over the years for being strict and boring. I wanted to change that and make people understand that they are all integral parts in shaping how we work — and I am here to facilitate that and steer it in a positive direction.”
Final Thoughts
Veronika’s approach to HR is refreshing — blending structure with humanity and creating a workplace where people feel valued and heard. Her leadership style is a reminder that culture isn’t just about policies — it’s about people, connection, and trust.
“If you look after your people, they’ll look after your business.” That’s the kind of leadership that drives success — and Veronika is proof of that.
Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from our Meet the Team series at Nucleus!