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Using Your Personality Type to Your Advantage for Business Success 

Estimated Read Time: 5 Minutes

Sean Owusu , 23 January, 2024

Imagine you’re at the helm of your SME, steering it through the choppy waters of the business world. Now, imagine if you had a secret weapon in your arsenal, something that could give you an edge over the competition. Well, guess what? You already do, and it’s something uniquely yours – your personality! 

Welcome to the fascinating world of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a tool that’s not just for understanding yourself better but also for turbocharging your business leadership. This isn’t about pigeonholing you into a box. No, it’s about unlocking the full potential of your personal leadership style. 

In this blog, we’re going to dive into how your MBTI personality type can be a game-changer for your SME. Whether you’re an extroverted go-getter, an introspective thinker, or something in between, there’s immense power in understanding and utilising your natural tendencies. Think of it as having a roadmap to your own strengths and challenges, helping you navigate the business landscape more effectively. 

Understanding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 

So, what’s the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) all about? You might’ve heard about it in passing or even taken a quiz at some point. The MBTI is like a personality x-ray, offering insights into how people perceive the world and make decisions. 

The MBTI categorises personality types based on four key dichotomies. Let’s break these down: 

Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I): This isn’t just about being outgoing or shy. It’s about where you draw your energy from. Do bustling, busy environments energise you (E), or do you thrive in quieter, more reflective settings (I)? 

Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): This one’s about how you take in information. Are you a detail-oriented person, focusing on the here and now (S)? Or do you prefer looking at the big picture and thinking about future possibilities (N)? 

Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): This dichotomy is all about decision-making. If you lean towards Thinking, you’re probably more logic-driven. Feelers tend to make decisions based on personal values and how their choices affect others. 

Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Lastly, this is about how you approach life. Judgers often prefer structure and decisiveness, while Perceivers are more about staying open to new information and options. 

Each one of us falls into one of the 16 MBTI personality types, a combination of these traits. For instance, you might be an ESTJ (Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) or an INFP (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving). 

But why does this matter for you, the SME leader? Knowing your MBTI type is like having a personalised user manual for your leadership style. It helps in understanding your natural inclinations, how you interact with your team, and even how you tackle business challenges. It’s not about changing who you are; it’s about playing to your strengths and being aware of your blind spots. 

Are You an Introvert or Extrovert? 

As an SME leader, understanding whether you’re an introvert or extrovert can be a game changer in how you steer your business. Both introversion and extraversion come with their unique set of strengths. Let’s explore how you can use these traits to your advantage, depending on where you fall on this spectrum. 

If You’re an Introvert… 

Embrace Your Thoughtful Nature 

Deep Thinking: You’re likely to be reflective, which means you’re great at thinking things through before acting. Use this to make well-considered decisions. 

Focus: Introverts often excel at focusing on complex tasks without getting easily distracted. This can be a superpower when tackling detailed projects or strategic planning. 

Leveraging Quiet Leadership 

Listening Skills: Being a good listener is a key trait of many introverted leaders. Use this to build strong relationships with your team and understand their needs better. 

Leading by Example: You might not be the loudest in the room, but your ability to lead by example can be profoundly impactful. Show your team the value of dedication and quiet determination. 

If You’re an Extrovert… 

Use Your Social Energy 

Networking: As an extrovert, you’re likely energised by interacting with others. Use this to your advantage by networking and building relationships that can benefit your SME. 

Team Motivation: Your energy can be infectious, making you great at rallying the team and keeping morale high. Use this to create a vibrant and dynamic workplace culture. 

Embracing Bold Leadership 

Decision Making: Extroverts are often quick decision-makers, which can be vital in fast-paced business environments. Trust your ability to make swift decisions when necessary. 

Innovation and Risk-Taking: Your natural inclination towards being outgoing can translate into a willingness to take calculated risks and innovate, driving your business forward. 

In both cases, it’s about playing to your strengths. If you’re an introvert, lean into your reflective and focused nature. If you’re an extrovert, harness your social skills and dynamic energy. Remember, great leadership comes in many forms – there’s no right or wrong way to lead, just your way. 

Do You Act on Your Sensing or Intuitive Instincts? 

As an SME leader, every decision you make shapes the future of your business. But did you know that your natural inclination towards sensing or intuition significantly influences your decision-making style? Let’s explore how each of these traits can be a superpower in your leadership toolkit. 

If You’re a Sensing Type… 

Grounded in Reality 

Attention to Detail: Sensing types are often meticulous and detail-oriented. Use this to your advantage by excelling in areas that require precision and careful analysis. 

Practical Solutions: Your practical nature means you’re good at finding concrete solutions to problems. Apply this when tackling operational challenges or managing day-to-day business activities. 

Leveraging Present Data 

Real-World Application: As a sensing type, you’re likely to be very much in tune with the current state of your business and its immediate needs. Use this to make informed decisions based on real-time data and observable facts. 

Steady Progress: Your approach often leads to steady and reliable growth. Capitalise on this by setting realistic goals and achieving consistent progress. 

If You’re an Intuitive Type… 

Big-Picture Thinking 

Visionary Approach: If you’re an intuitive type, you’re likely to be a big-picture thinker. Use this to develop long-term strategies and innovative business models. 

Adaptability: Your natural inclination towards flexibility makes you well-suited to adapt to changing market trends and innovate. 

Embracing Change and Innovation 

Forward Thinking: Intuitive leaders often excel in anticipating future trends and needs. Harness this ability to keep your business ahead of the curve. 

Creative Problem-Solving: Your creative approach to problem-solving can lead to unique solutions that set your SME apart. Embrace your innovative mindset to overcome challenges in novel ways. 

Whether you’re a sensing type who excels in detail-oriented tasks and practical problem-solving, or an intuitive type who shines in visionary thinking and adaptability, your natural instincts can be a powerful asset in business leadership. 

Is Your Decision-Making Rational or Driven by Your Feelings? 

In the world of SME leadership, how you make decisions – whether through a logical lens or by tapping into your emotions – plays a crucial role in your business’s trajectory. Are you more of a thinker or a feeler? Let’s dive into how each of these decision-making styles can be a strength in its own right. 

If You’re a ‘Thinking’ Type… 

Logical and Objective 

Analytical Approach: As a thinker, your decisions are often driven by logic and analysis. Use this to tackle complex problems with a clear, rational mindset. 

Effective Problem Solving: Your ability to remain objective is key in critical situations. It allows you to make tough decisions without getting bogged down by emotions. 

Leading with Clarity 

Direct Communication: Thinkers tend to be straightforward in their communication. This clarity can be incredibly effective in setting expectations and aligning your team. 

Impartial Judgement: Your knack for impartiality can be crucial in ensuring fair and unbiased decision-making, which is essential in building a trustworthy leadership reputation. 

If You’re a ‘Feeling’ Type… 

Empathetic and Values-Driven 

Emotional Intelligence: As a feeler, your strength lies in your high emotional intelligence. Leverage this by building strong, empathetic relationships with your team and clients. 

Morale and Team Cohesion: Your innate ability to understand and care about others’ feelings makes you great at fostering team cohesion and a positive work environment. 

Making Decisions with Heart 

Values-Based Decisions: Your decisions are often guided by your personal values and a concern for others. This can be powerful in creating a business that’s not only successful but also ethical and socially responsible. 

Inspirational Leadership: Your empathetic nature can be inspiring to those around you, encouraging a more collaborative and supportive team dynamic. 

Whether your decision-making is guided by logic and objectivity or empathy and values, both styles have their unique advantages. As a thinking type, your logical approach can lead to efficient and clear-cut decisions. As a feeling type, your empathetic approach can create a deeply loyal and motivated team. 

Do You Judge or Perceive the World Around You? 

In the landscape of SME leadership, whether you’re inclined to judge or perceive can significantly shape how you interact with the world around you. This isn’t about being judgmental; it’s about your approach to structure and decision-making. Let’s take a closer look at how each of these traits can be a strong suit in your leadership repertoire. 

If You’re a ‘Judging’ Type… 

Structured and Organised 

Decisive Action: As a judging type, you’re likely to be decisive and appreciate closure. Use this trait to make swift decisions and keep your business moving forward efficiently. 

Planning and Organisation: Your love for structure can be a huge asset in strategic planning and project management, helping you to keep things on track and meet deadlines. 

Leading with Precision 

Clarity in Goals: Your tendency to prefer planned and organised approaches can lead to clear and achievable goal-setting, an essential aspect of successful business leadership. 

Managing Expectations: Being a judging type often means you’re good at setting and managing expectations, both within your team and in client relationships. 

If You’re a ‘Perceiving’ Type… 

Flexible and Adaptable 

Open to Possibilities: As a perceiving type, your strength lies in staying open to new information and possibilities. This flexibility is crucial in rapidly changing business environments. 

Creative Problem Solving: Your adaptable nature often leads to creative and out-of-the-box thinking, which can be invaluable in tackling unexpected challenges. 

Embracing Change 

Responsive Leadership: Your tendency to be more spontaneous and less rigid in planning allows you to respond swiftly to changing circumstances, a key skill in today’s dynamic business world. 

Innovative Approach: Being a perceiver means you’re often more comfortable with ambiguity, which can foster innovation and lead to unique business strategies. 

Whether you’re a judging type who excels in structure and decisiveness or a perceiving type known for adaptability and openness, both approaches have their unique strengths. As a judging type, your organised approach can bring clarity and efficiency to your business. As a perceiving type, your flexibility can drive innovation and adaptability. 

Embracing Your Personality Type for Leadership Success 

By now, you should have a clearer picture of how your personality type can influence and enhance your approach to running your business. Remember, there’s no ‘ideal’ type for leadership – each brings its unique strengths to the table. 

Key Takeaways 

Embrace Your Unique Traits: Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving, your personality type holds the key to your leadership style. Embrace these traits and use them to your advantage. 

Balance is Key: It’s crucial to find a balance. If you’re a thinker, for example, don’t forget the value of empathy. If you’re a perceiver, remember the importance of structure. Balancing your natural tendencies with their opposites can lead to a more rounded leadership approach. 

Adapt and Grow: Understanding your MBTI type is not about boxing yourself in; it’s about self-awareness and growth. Be open to adapting your style to different situations and people. Business, after all, is about constant evolution. 

Continuing Your Leadership Journey 

Your journey doesn’t end here. Consider taking an official MBTI assessment if you haven’t already. Continue to reflect on your leadership style and how it impacts your business. And most importantly, keep an open mind. The world of business is ever-changing, and so are you. 

By harnessing the power of your personality, you can lead your SME with confidence, authenticity, and success. Remember, great leaders are not born; they’re made. And a big part of that making is understanding and embracing who you are at your core. 

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BY Sean Owusu




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